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All you need to know about Syphilis

Created by - Rigomo Team

All you need to know about Syphilis

ETIOLOGY: Syphilis is caused by T. pallidum.INCIDENCE: Each year, there are 29,000 new cases of syphilis. This figure represents probably only 10% of actual cases.CLINICAL FEATURES1. Primary syphilis: After an average incubation period of approximately 3 weeks, a smooth, painless ulcer called a chancre appears at the site of primary inoculation. The chancre heals without treatment in approximately 3 to 6 weeks; at about the same time, a painless uni- or bilateral regional adenopathy develops.2. Secondary syphilis represents disseminated disease and occurs in all patients with untreated primary infection. The lesions of secondary syphilis are papulosquamous lesions that occur over the entire trunk, extremities, penis, and buttocks. Fever and weight loss occur in 70% of patients.3. Tertiary syphilis occurs at least 10 years after the primary infection in at least 30% to 35% of untreated patients. The two most important manifestations of tertiary syphilis are cardiovascular syphilis, causing thoracic aneurysms, and neurosyphilis, causing meningitis, stroke, seizures, dementia, general weakness, and posterior column dysfunction.DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES— Chancroid— HSV type 1 infection— Lymphogranuloma venereum— Tinea, sarcoid— Lichen planus— Seborrhea dermatitis— Molluscum contagiosum— Traumatic ulcer— Furuncle— CarcinomaEVALUATION: The clinical diagnosis can be confirmed by darkfield microscopic examination or more commonly serologic testing.THERAPY1. The standard treatment for primary, secondary, and early tertiary syphilis is benzathine penicillin G (2.4 million U administered intramuscularly as a single dose).2. For late tertiary syphilis or neurosyphilis, benzathine penicillin G (2.4 million U, three doses administered intramuscularly 1 week apart) is used. Doxycycline (100 mg orally twice daily for 14 days) can be given to patients who are allergic to penicillin.DISPOSITION1. Primary and secondary syphilis can be treated on an outpatient basis.2. Patients with neurosyphilis or major cardiovascular manifestations require admission for intravenous therapy.

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Published - Tue, 15 Nov 2022

Rigomo: The Solution for Managing Medical Emergencies and Reducing Deaths in India

Created by - Rigomo Team

Rigomo: The Solution for Managing Medical Emergencies and Reducing Deaths in India

Rigomo, founded by Vinay Tuli in 2021, is an Indian healthcare Ed-Tech startup that aims to increase the average age of people in India by at least 5 years in the next 15 years. The company's mission is to empower medical practitioners with the knowledge and experiences they need to meet the challenges of today and prepare for a better tomorrow.One of the ways in which Rigomo is working towards this goal is through its flagship program, the "RH in Me" course. This course is designed to teach individuals how to handle medical emergencies while medical services such as doctors, ambulances, and hospitals are yet to arrive.The RH in Me course is comprehensive and covers a wide range of topics, including basic first aid, CPR, and the management of common medical emergencies such as heart attacks, strokes, and injuries. It is designed for individuals of all ages and backgrounds, and can be taken online at one's own pace. Rigomo's partnership with renowned medical professionals enables it to present the best courses to its students and help them to meet their learning goals. The company currently offers more than 10+ courses in clinical & management areas for doctors, nurses, and general management personnel. The course covers specialties such as Diabetes, Emergency Medicine, Cardiology, Nutrition, Wellness, Healthcare Informatics, and Mental Health.In addition to its course offerings, Rigomo also provides certifications to individuals who successfully complete the RH in Me course. These certifications can be used to demonstrate one's knowledge and skills in handling medical emergencies, and can be a valuable asset for those seeking employment or advancement in the healthcare field.Rigomo's efforts in providing education and training in emergency medicine can help reduce deaths in India. With a population of over 1.3 billion people, India faces a significant burden of disease and injury, and the ability to respond quickly and effectively to medical emergencies can mean the difference between life and death. By providing individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to handle medical emergencies, Rigomo is helping to ensure that more people in India have access to the care they need when they need it.In conclusion, Rigomo is an innovative and socially conscious startup that is working towards increasing the average age of people in India by at least 5 years in the next 15 years. Its flagship program, the RH in Me course, is designed to teach individuals how to handle medical emergencies while medical services such as doctors, ambulances, and hospitals are yet to arrive. By providing education and training in emergency medicine, Rigomo is helping to reduce deaths in India and ensure that more people have access to the care they need when they need it.

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Published - Tue, 24 Jan 2023

Emergency Patient Care: A Life-Saving Certificate Course for Healthcare Workers

Created by - Rigomo Team

Emergency Patient Care: A Life-Saving Certificate Course for Healthcare Workers

In today's world, the demand for healthcare professionals who can handle emergency situations has increased significantly. Emergencies are unpredictable and can occur at any time, which is why it is crucial for healthcare workers to be well-equipped to handle such situations and save precious lives. To fulfill this need, Rigomo has launched a new course called Emergency Patient Care (Certificate Course). This course is designed for healthcare workers, medical practitioners, and doctors who deal with emergency patients on a regular basis. The Instructor: Dr Prashant Raj The instructor of this life-saving course is Dr Prashant Raj, MBBS, DTCD, FCCS(USA), CTLS(Australia). With his 12+ years of medical experience, he will be teaching the participants the crucial techniques to handle emergencies in the best possible way. Key Features of the Course Resuscitation Emergency Management: Participants will learn how to act in life-threatening emergencies such as heart attack, respiratory failure, etc. Handling of Gastrointestinal Emergencies: Participants will learn expert techniques to handle hemodynamic instability in gastrointestinal emergencies. Pulmonary Emergencies: Participants will learn how to treat victims of life-threatening respiratory emergencies that lead to respiratory failure. Patient With Endocrine Emergencies: Participants will learn key skills to handle endocrine and electrolyte-based emergencies and take the best initial diagnostic and treatment actions. Handling Cardiovascular Emergencies: Participants will learn how to handle cases of cardiac arrest and perform high-quality CPR to save the patient's life. Patient With Metabolic Emergencies: Participants will learn how to handle emergencies caused by dysregulation of glucose, potassium, sodium, calcium, and thyroid hormone. With this course, participants will become proficient medical emergency experts and professionals. They will have lifetime access to all the premium pre-recorded lectures, totaling 8+ hours of content in 30 pre-recorded lectures. Rigomo guarantees 100% satisfaction with the course, or participants can receive a 100% refund, no questions asked. Invest in Your Future with Emergency Patient Care For a limited time, the Emergency Patient Care course is available for just 797 rupees, discounted from its original price of 13995 rupees. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to upgrade your skills and become equipped to handle emergency situations with confidence. Don't wait any longer, invest in your future today and become a lifesaver!

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Published - Sat, 04 Feb 2023

Revolutionizing Medical Education: The Benefits of E-Learning with Rigomo

Created by - Rigomo Team

Revolutionizing Medical Education: The Benefits of E-Learning with Rigomo

The advent of technology has completely transformed the way we learn and acquire knowledge. With the rise of e-learning platforms, education has become more accessible, convenient, and cost-effective. Rigomo is one such platform that is revolutionizing the medical education industry with its innovative approach. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of e-learning and how Rigomo is leading the way in medical education.Flexibility: With e-learning, students can access courses at their own pace and convenience. Rigomo offers on-demand courses that can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. This allows medical professionals to continue their education without having to take a break from their work.Cost-effective: E-learning is a more cost-effective option compared to traditional classroom learning. Rigomo offers affordable courses that can save medical professionals thousands of dollars in tuition fees and travel expenses.Interactive learning: Rigomo's courses are designed to provide interactive learning experiences through quizzes, case studies, and simulations. This approach ensures that students are actively engaged in the learning process, leading to better retention and application of knowledge.Access to top-notch instructors: Rigomo collaborates with top medical professionals and instructors to deliver high-quality courses. Students have the opportunity to learn from the best in the industry and benefit from their expertise and knowledge.Continuous learning: Medical knowledge is constantly evolving, and it is essential for medical professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest developments. Rigomo offers a wide range of courses that cater to different specializations and skill levels, providing medical professionals with the opportunity for continuous learning.In conclusion, e-learning is transforming the medical education industry, and Rigomo is leading the way with its innovative approach. The benefits of e-learning, including flexibility, cost-effectiveness, interactive learning, access to top-notch instructors, and continuous learning, make it an attractive option for medical professionals. With Rigomo's comprehensive and affordable courses, medical professionals can enhance their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.Sources:"The Benefits of E-Learning" by CommLab India - https://www.commlabindia.com/resources/ebook/benefits-of-elearning.php"5 Advantages of Online Learning: Education Without Leaving Home" by Walden University - https://www.waldenu.edu/online-degrees/resources/five-advantages-of-online-learning-education-without-leaving-home"How Technology is Revolutionizing Medical Education" by Forbes - https://www.forbes.com/sites/reenitadas/2018/09/27/how-technology-is-revolutionizing-medical-education/?sh=5e408d30763e"Rigomo: Revolutionizing Medical Education" by Rigomo Blog - https://rigomo.com/blog/rigomo-revolutionizing-medical-education/"E-learning in the Medical Field" by Global Knowledge - https://www.globalknowledge.com/us-en/resources/resource-library/articles/e-learning-in-the-medical-field/

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Published - Fri, 24 Feb 2023

Dr. Ashwathi Soman's Daring Trek: Saving a Life in the Heart of the Forest

Created by - Rigomo Team

Dr. Ashwathi Soman's Daring Trek: Saving a Life in the Heart of the Forest

In the depths of the Indian forests, amidst the dense foliage and rugged terrain, lies a remote tribal hamlet, far removed from the modern world. It was here that Dr. Ashwathi Soman, a dedicated public medical officer, embarked on a remarkable journey to save the life of a tribal man named Ravi.Ravi's right toe had been severely injured, leading to an infection that threatened his life. The remoteness of his village and the tribe's reluctance to seek outside medical assistance made his situation dire. Undeterred by the challenges that lay ahead, Dr. Soman assembled a team of medical professionals and forest officials and set off on a 10-kilometer trek through the dense forest.The journey was arduous, with the team navigating treacherous paths, climbing steep hills, and crossing gushing streams. But Dr. Soman's determination never wavered. She knew that every step she took brought her closer to saving Ravi's life.Upon reaching the village, Dr. Soman quickly assessed Ravi's condition. The infection was severe, and amputation was the only way to save his leg. However, convincing Ravi to undergo the procedure was another challenge. The tribe's deep-rooted traditions and fear of outsiders posed a significant hurdle.With patience, understanding, and a genuine desire to help, Dr. Soman explained the gravity of Ravi's situation and the necessity of the amputation. She spoke to him in his own language, addressing his fears and concerns. Eventually, Ravi agreed to the procedure.Working under difficult conditions, Dr. Soman and her team successfully performed the amputation. They then provided Ravi with the necessary care and medications to ensure his recovery.Source: OnManorama.Dr. Soman's act of compassion and bravery saved Ravi's life. It also served as a bridge between two worlds, fostering understanding and trust between the tribal community and the outside world.A Beacon of HopeDr. Ashwathi Soman's story is a testament to the power of human connection, the unwavering pursuit of making a positive impact, and the unwavering dedication to serving those in need. Her journey through the deep forests to save Ravi's life is an inspiring tale that reminds us of the extraordinary things that ordinary people can achieve.

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Published - Wed, 08 Nov 2023

Disease X: A New Global Health Concern at Davos 2024

Created by - Rigomo Team

Disease X: A New Global Health Concern at Davos 2024

Imagine sitting at the prestigious World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, with world leaders and health experts. They're all talking about something called "Disease X." It might sound like a sci-fi movie title, but it's a real concern, and it's making waves at Davos 2024.The Alarming PredictionThe World Health Organization (WHO) has raised the alarm that Disease X could be even deadlier than the COVID-19 pandemic we've been grappling with. They're warning that it might cause up to 20 times more deaths. That's a sobering thought, isn't it? So, what's the plan to deal with this potentially catastrophic scenario?Preparing for the UnknownOne of the sessions at Davos is titled "Preparation for Disease X." It features a lineup of heavy-hitters in the healthcare world, including the WHO's Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and other influential figures like Preetha Reddy from Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. They're gathering to brainstorm and figure out how we can get ready for Disease X.Demystifying Disease XNow, you might be wondering, "What exactly is Disease X?" Well, it's not a specific disease like COVID-19 or Ebola. Instead, it's a term coined by the WHO to represent a hypothetical, unknown pathogen. Think of it as a placeholder for any new and unpredictable infectious agent that could spark a global epidemic. It's a reminder of how infectious diseases can come out of nowhere and catch us off guard.The Looming ThreatWhy all the fuss about Disease X? Well, it's not just a theoretical concern. Healthcare professionals in the UK issued a chilling warning recently, saying that Disease X could be as devastating as the 1918-1920 Spanish Flu, which claimed the lives of a staggering 50 million people worldwide. To put that in perspective, the COVID-19 pandemic, which we consider one of the worst in recent history, resulted in around 7 million global deaths.The WHO emphasizes that we need to be prepared for Disease X. There's a vast number of potential pathogens out there, and our resources for researching and developing treatments are limited. That's why leaders and experts are gathering at Davos – to figure out how to beef up our healthcare systems, foster global collaboration, and speed up research efforts.In a nutshell, Disease X is a big deal because it could be a game-changer, potentially worse than what we've seen with COVID-19. While it's still a hypothetical threat, it's a wake-up call. The discussions at Davos 2024 are a reminder that we need to be proactive in preparing for the unexpected. Strengthening our healthcare systems, working together globally, and ramping up research efforts are all part of the plan to face this ominous challenge head-on.

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Published - Wed, 17 Jan 2024

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Transforming Emergency Care: The Story Behind Rigomo's Revolutionary PPMMP Course
Transforming Emergency Care: The Story Behind Rigomo's Revolutionary PPMMP Course
In the bustling corridors of a major hospital in Mumbai, Dr. Ayesha Khan felt the pulse of emergency medicine beating at a frantic pace. As a seasoned emergency room physician, she had seen it all — from the heartbreaking to the miraculous. Yet, despite her years of experience, Dr. Khan often felt that something was missing — a gap between the theoretical knowledge she had acquired and the real-world application of managing complex patient scenarios. It was during one critical incident, a complicated case of a diabetic emergency with multiple complications, that the idea for a comprehensive training program began to take shape.Dr. Khan observed that while her team was highly educated, they often hesitated, unsure of the best course of action when standard procedures didn’t align perfectly with the complexities presented by real-life cases. This observation was the seed that grew into the Practical Patient Management Program (PPMMP), developed in collaboration with Rigomo, a pioneer in healthcare education.The Genesis of PPMMPThe journey began with a simple question: How could healthcare professionals bridge the gap between theoretical learning and practical execution? The answer lay in creating a dynamic, interactive, and comprehensive training environment that mirrored real-life medical emergencies more closely than traditional classrooms or online courses ever could.Dr. Khan approached Rigomo with her vision, and together, they crafted a curriculum that was deeply rooted in the realities of medical practice. They decided to focus on a multi-faceted approach, incorporating simulations of emergency scenarios, step-by-step analytical techniques, and patient management strategies under pressure.What Sets PPMMP Apart?From the outset, the PPMMP was designed to be different. It wasn’t just about learning what to do; it was about understanding why, how, and when to do it. The course covers a wide range of emergencies — from metabolic crises like diabetes to respiratory emergencies and anaphylaxis. Each module is built around the latest research and clinical guidelines, ensuring that participants receive the most up-to-date information possible.However, the real magic of the PPMMP lies in its delivery. Recognizing the linguistic diversity of India, the entire course is offered in Hindi, making it accessible to a broader range of healthcare professionals. This decision has democratized access to advanced medical training, particularly benefiting those in rural or underserved areas.A Real-World ImpactOne of the most compelling testimonials comes from Dr. Manav Arora, a young doctor who enrolled in the PPMMP shortly after its launch. During an overnight shift, Dr. Arora faced a severe case of pulmonary embolism — a situation he had only read about in textbooks. Armed with knowledge and hands-on practice from the PPMMP, he was able to lead his team effectively, administer the right interventions, and save a life that night. Dr. Arora credits the PPMMP for his confidence and quick decision-making skills.Looking AheadToday, the PPMMP is not just a course but a movement. It’s about empowering doctors, nurses, and paramedics with the confidence to take bold, informed actions in critical situations. As healthcare continues to evolve, Rigomo is committed to updating the curriculum to include new findings, techniques, and technologies.The success story of the PPMMP is a testament to the power of innovative thinking in education and the profound impact it can have on healthcare delivery. It stands as a beacon for future endeavors in medical training, highlighting the crucial link between knowledge and action in saving lives.The Practical Patient Management Program has grown significantly since its inception, touching the lives of numerous healthcare professionals across India. The course’s success has encouraged other institutions to look towards similar models of integrated, practical training programs. To learn more about the PPMMP or to enroll in this transformative course, please visit PPMMP at Rigomo https://ppmp.rigomo.com. By joining this program, you not only gain access to advanced medical training but also become part of a community dedicated to excellence in healthcare services. The platform’s easy-to-navigate interface and comprehensive resources ensure that every participant can maximize their learning potential and truly make a difference in their professional environments.

Sun, 12 May 2024

Empowering Rural Healthcare: How Pogiko's AI is Bridging the Gap in Medical Services
Empowering Rural Healthcare: How Pogiko's AI is Bridging the Gap in Medical Services
Access to quality healthcare remains a significant challenge in rural regions, where the scarcity of medical resources and professionals exacerbates health disparities. Pogiko, an innovative AI-powered tool from Rigomo Technologies, is emerging as a transformative solution to these challenges. This article delves deeper into how Pogiko is enhancing healthcare delivery in underserved areas.Technological Innovation Meets Rural Medicine Pogiko utilizes advanced AI algorithms to perform functions like disease diagnosis, medical report analysis, and case management, traditionally reserved for specialists in well-equipped urban centers. By automating these complex tasks, Pogiko provides rural doctors with the capabilities of a virtual specialist team, enabling them to offer comprehensive medical care even in resource-limited settings.Immediate Benefits of AI in Rural HealthcareEnhanced Diagnostic Accuracy: Pogiko's AI quickly interprets symptoms and medical data, providing accurate diagnostics that are crucial in areas where specialist consultation is rare or delayed.Decision Support: It offers real-time decision support to healthcare providers, aiding them in treatment planning and management, thus minimizing the risks associated with delayed care.Education and Training: Through regular updates and learning tools, Pogiko keeps rural healthcare providers abreast of the latest medical advancements and treatment protocols, significantly improving their knowledge base without the need for frequent travel for training.Case Management and Remote Assistance With Pogiko, rural healthcare practitioners can manage multiple cases efficiently, with AI suggesting the most effective treatment plans based on the latest guidelines and patient data. Additionally, its ability to facilitate remote consultations helps bridge the distance between rural practitioners and specialists in urban centers, fostering a collaborative approach to patient care.Long-Term Impact and Scalability The scalability of AI tools like Pogiko promises a broader reach, potentially transforming healthcare delivery in remote areas globally. By providing high-quality medical advice and support, Pogiko helps reduce healthcare inequalities, ensuring that rural populations have better health outcomes and access to advanced care practices.Pogiko exemplifies how AI can play a pivotal role in not just supporting but significantly enhancing healthcare in rural areas. As technology advances, the potential for AI to serve as a cornerstone in rural healthcare systems becomes increasingly evident, offering a beacon of hope for regions still struggling with the basics of medical care.

Thu, 25 Apr 2024

Advancements in the Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism: What's New in 2024?
Advancements in the Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism: What's New in 2024?
Artificial Intelligence in DiagnosisAdvancements in Endovascular TherapiesPersonalized Treatment ApproachesNew Pharmacological TreatmentsMultidisciplinary Care TeamsThe landscape of pulmonary embolism treatment in 2024 is characterized by rapid advancements in technology, personalized medical approaches, and the development of safer, more effective therapies. These innovations not only improve the quality of care received by patients but also significantly increase survival rates and enhance the quality of life following a PE diagnosis. As research continues and technologies evolve, we can expect even more impressive strides in the treatment of this challenging condition.

Wed, 24 Apr 2024

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